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Hello you awesome people!
August #UVWrapUp
August included all of the activities, BBQs and a myriad of fun, sweaty sessions!
This month we kicked off our BINGO challenge and have seen a our member’s competitive sides come out. 10km runs and rows, brutal 200cal Assault Bike cash outs, and nutrition challenges have got people outside their comfort zones and trying new things.
Family Day/UV’s 2nd Birthday Bash/ our summer celebration at Camp Green Acres was a big hit. Thank you all for coming and Lori for hosting us – we are already looking forward to next year!
This month’s Member of the Month is on board with the challenge and is always up for getting sweaty with friends.
The best part about UV is that you, and your feedback, has helped to mould UV into the place that it is.
We appreciate those of you who took the time to fill it out our recent survey.
We heard you, and are taking action on your requests.
Outside of making some changes to the rig, setting the gym up with even more new equipment (The Ring Thing, boxing equipment, parallettes, 70lb DBs ,lighter kettlebells etc..) even bigger and better things are being planned…
Read more about the above, below.
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Onto September
You know Fall is almost here when coffee shops are advertising sugar, pumpkin spice and all things nice!
School is back and the summer schedules are starting to settle back into routine.
As per your feedback on Facebook, we are looking forward to trialling some new class times so keep your eyes peeled on ZenPlanner. for the new class schedule.
We will remind you when these changes are taking effect by email shortly.
In addition to changes to our timetable, our website has been given a facelift.
We hope you will find it to be more user friendly, and information (such as membership hold requests) is easier to access through our FAQ section.
In lieu of our past newsletter format and in response to your feedback, you can read the full newsletter HERE!
The team at CrossFit UV
#CrossFitUV #UVStrong
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Member of the Month
Mighty Mikael!
Mikael’s UV journey started in May this year. He signed up with our Foundations Personal Training pack where he learnt a lot about the foundational movements and transitioned into our CrossFit classes.
From there, his thirst for knowledge and keen attitude to learning meant he continued with 2 personal training sessions a month and unlimited CrossFit sessions.
Although Mikael often travels for upwards of 30+ hours a week for work he makes his sessions a priority.
Throughout these sessions he has been working on stability, strength imbalances, mobility and technique work.
This consistent training and focus on working his weaknesses has meant his general strength and fitness have improved dramatically.
August was in fact his best month for attendance with 28 sessions which is top 3 in the entire gym!
In team workouts you can always hear him cheering along team mates, anybody and everybody and giving his own personal best effort.
Fun fact!
Mikael got a bunch of suits tailored around the time he started up at UV. The tailor was super confused when they came back and he had DROPPED TWO SUIT SIZES!
The inches have been flying off around his waist.
He is now working on dialling in his nutrition in his personal training sessions for muscle gain and performance to ensure he is healthy and well fuelled.
This means he can tackle the challenges of every day life and chase his goals including becoming a Blue Category in The Level Method, running the Lulu 10K and completing a 3 day hike (which can be found on the goals board).
In summary, have a positive outlook on learning, commit to yourself and the process of working towards your goals and cheer on others in your community!
Congratulations Mikael.
Amy will be in contact to organise a complimentary personal training session.
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August PR Board
As always, we LOVE celebrating your challenges and successes with you so be proud to put your achievements on the board.The UV Bingo cards have brought out some of our more modest members and made them get outside of their comfort zones.
Some highlights were:
– Ying with her first steps (on her hands!)
– Tracy’s DT time 7:47
– Leanne joined the 200lb deadlift club plus added 3 reps to her unbroken strict pullups
– Connor got his first ring muscle up!
– Char, Bernard and Rina all climbed to the top of the rope for the first time
– Brian hit a 275 Deadlift
– Bryan hit a 155 Clean and Jerk
– Jaime squatted 300lbs for 8 reps!
– David joined the 300lb deadlift club
– Sean Power cleaned 245lb
– Adam PR’s so so many lifts and went upside down in a handstand
– Hilda cracked the 150+ mark for the Clean and Jerk
– Rachel came and hung out and sweat with us
– Ivy deadlifted 145lbs
– Jackie hit a 95lb snatch
– Mikael had to write in tiny writing he hit so many PRs
– Andrea hit her best mile run time
Everyone killed the summer gains and BINGO challenge!
If you read something that impressed you, make an effort to fist bump that person next time you see them too. We want you to share in each other’s successes.
The takeaway from this is that YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE. What you do, or don’t do, decides on the outcome. So let’s keep showing up, putting in that consistent effort because we are in it for the long-term.
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The idea of bingo is to be a fun and interactive challenge with the theme of #UVCommunity and being #UVStrong.
Each task you tick off earns you a ticket entry into a prize draw!
Plus every BINGO line earns you 3 bonus entries.
We have seen two BINGO lines by Bernard & David!
We are yet to see the entire card filled – which is also a prize winning task.
If you are curious as per the rules please refer to last months newsletter – HERE
A reminder – for entries to count in the prize draw we require proof that the task was completed on social media pages. Facebook, Instagram and Instagram stories are all great ways to share your sweaty pursuits.
Our hashtags for the challenge are
Please tag us on your instagram stories “@crossfituv” so that we can reshare on ours and feature your awesome feats on the bingo highlight reel!
We have had an unreal amount of members taking part in the fun and have been a great motivation for some people to try new things.
Feedback has been that you are enjoying this type of stuff so we have a few other challenges up our sleeve..
This challenge ends Sept 30th so get cracking!
As always, suggestions welcome on community events or challenges you’d like to be a part of.
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Social Corner
Our Day at Green Acres Camp.
Again, a massive thank you to Lori for having us at the camp.
This wasn’t the first time UV members visited Green Acres. Last year UV celebrated Family Day at the camp. For some, this was also the camp they went to in school!
Sunday, August 12th was the perfect summers day. The weather couldn’t have been better to enjoy the sunshine.
The day was full of volleyball, cooling down in the pool (for the first time ever for Dee and Ron’s son Matty), farm animals, food and fun. There was a water balloon fight and plenty of games on the green grass.
Thank you to everyone who made or brought food, drinks, cakes, or fruit made into cakes.
Your presence was appreciated and we hope you enjoyed the day spent with family and friends!
For more photos please see the album in our CrossFit UV Members Group – HERE.
If you have any social ideas just let us know.
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August Gains Club!
You work very hard in the gym to get the results that you deserve so we want to put you up in lights and give you credit for your hard work!
Kojo – 33
Mikael – 28
Micol – 27
Jaime – 23
Adam – 22
We’ve set the criteria at 20 sessions across classes, personal training, courses and open gym.
Please ensure you are reserving and signing in to the ipad on the front desk!
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Handstand of the Month!
Atta boy Adam!
Adam has ticked off one of his “firsts” this August.
This is the first time Adam has supported himself in an assisted handstand!
There’s something special about getting over that fear of being upside down/falling.
Coming from a hockey background he has dealt with some niggling shoulder issues. Since being at UV he has worked hard on his shoulder mobility and strength and this is a massive stepping stone in his recovery and a downright impressive feat!
Don’t forget to tag us @crossfituv on instagram and #UVHandstandoftheMonth
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Outfit of the Month
Hilda is hitting the nail on the head with one hard to beat outfit.
We have a…
shirt with a sparkling unicorn… wearing a rainbow lifting suit… deadlifting four plates a side… layered with a rainbow bra… and black diamond booty shorts!?
You are a badass gym mumma, Hilda!
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Join Now!
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