2017 CrossFit Open Wrap-up


That was awesome!

Following 17.5 we had one final ‘surprise’ event to crown the CrossFit UV Open Champions for 2017 and a massive congratulations goes to Amino Disrespect for taking home the trophy!

Now the the dust has settled, and Amino Disrespect has had it’s name engraved on the trophy, we have a chance to look back on the Open as a whole and the massive success that it was.

From a CrossFit Games perspective the goal of the Open is to start the process of crowning the CrossFit Games Champions. However that is only applicable to less that 1% of us who will move onto the Online Qualifiers for masters and teen athletes and Regionals in May for the individuals and teams.

For the rest of us it was a chance to challenge ourselves and help up set our training goals for the next few months (we’ll talk more about goal setting next week).

As a gym it gave us a change to bring an already very close community even closer and have some fun along the way and ss coaches we got to see you surprise yourselves countless times during the Open.

What an awesome success it was!

Our Captains worked their butts off for the entire Open so we wanted to give them a chance to share their thoughts on the Open with you…

Mark: PR City

Greeting from the 136,373 Fittest Man on Earth!

The Open is over, and from the beginning until the very end the experience taught me some valuable lessons. Starting before the first workout was announced where we found out just how great a community CrossFit UV is with nearly the whole gym signing up, right until the very last seconds of the Captain’s WOD, where I learned a painful lesson on every last rep counting. The good news is I’ve got a year to fix the deficiencies I’ve found.

On to the team, and I have memories about every member of PR City, but I’m limited in space in what I can share. First of all, thank you to every one of you for making this process so memorable. Everything from the greatest team chat in CrossFit UV, to recruiting people to sign up, to the shirts getting made, to the epic efforts and results by all of you, to custom tattoos, cookies and cakes, there is no possible way I can pay justice to the last 2 months of work but here are just a few specifics that come to mind

1. 17.1 teaching all of us that all of those step ups for box jumps seemed great, until Castro made us try jumping.

2. Racing to 78 reps as quickly as we could in 17.2 to try to score points, and in the back of our minds just praying for a muscle up.

3. The girls all trying the same thing in 17.3 for that one C2B pull up, and getting a little help from my friends to beat Greg.

4. Everyone in the gym convinced my spine was about to explode from deadlifts in 17.4 on St. Patrick’s Day.

5. Everything about the last Saturday in the Open.

What can’t be said enough about the process is how much closer of a community we are now because of everyone’s efforts throughout the Open. An extra thanks needs to go out to Nick and Fergus for all of the long hours they’ve put in since it started.

Rachel: The WODding Crashers

What a crazy month and a half!

Congratulations to everyone for crushing the workouts. the Wodding Crashers has stayed strong as a team motivating each other to acknowledge and push pass their comfort zone.

I witness my team gaining so much from the Open- improving on skills, prolonging their endurance, making new friends and becoming closer ones:) If there is one thing that we have lost it was our voice for screaming our lungs out cheering for each other.

I never lose. I either win or learn. -Nelson Mandela

Greg: The WOD Godz

By far the #1 highlight about The Open and Crossfit UV in general is whether you’re one of the younglings or a bit older, whether you’ve been doing it for weeks or years, whether you come once a week or 7 times… we all have proven that we can come together as a very strong, tight-knit community to motivate each other towards our individual goals. People were showing up just to cheer people on….That’s incredible and I hope that never goes away!

I also must say I loved my team. The WOD Godz were the Gryffindor of the Open*. We were competitive, supportive, fun, and relentless! The best highlight of the team was the crazy amount of significant PRs people were setting. There were a lot but a few that stood out for me: Rav with a MU, Jolina with the heavy dumbells, Roie with the deadlifts…(p.s. there were 14 more for my team alone)

* PR City: Slytherin;
Crashers: Hufflepuff;
Amino: Ravenclaw;
Godz: Gryffindor.

Hilda: Amino Disrespect

There was some hesitancy in taking this captaincy. Unsure if I could lead, encourage and bring out the best in a group of people, I wasn’t so sure I could step up to the plate. Alas, Fergus wore me down and the rest is history.

It started off with some stressful drafts. Knowing that I am someone with the worst luck (truly, I can count the number of coin tosses I’ve won in my lifetime on one finger), I used this knowledge to strategically draft a quality team of dark horses–the underestimated. We entered the stadium undetected, but, boy, did we ever make a debut. Week after week, Amino Disrespect showed up and worked hard.

Each member of the team, each with their own individual strengths, came together as a well-oiled machine. We took each challenge head on and did not back down at any turn. I dare say, we gave some of the top dogs a run for their money. No, we may not have come in first in the individual workouts, but we made our presence known, with everyone giving each workout 125%.

Amino Disrespect, with our unrivaled spirit (hello, home team of THE Spirit of the Games), unbelievable work ethic and well-rounded skills, I’d say that they are the most deserving team of individuals to be named on that trophy this year!


17.1 was endurance
17.2 was gymnastic
17.3 was a heavy olympic lift
17.4 was all the deadlifts
17.5 was skills, engine and work ethic
17.6/ the Captain WOD was pure grind

The Open was AWESOME!

See you in the gym,

Fergus and the team at CrossFit UV
#CrossFitUV #UVStrong

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