Are you mad!?! I can’t lift that much!

Sometimes we get to the board and see a workout and think ‘that’s right up my street’ whilst other times we get there, see the weight prescribed and our hearts sink when we realise that it’s more that we’ve lifted before.

So what do we do when that happens?

The answer is simple , lift 90% of your 1 rep max. As long as you can do so with safe and consistent technique (if you don’t your coach will ask you to lift less) this will result in you doing a lot less reps but getting a hell of a lot stronger and therefore one step closer to your goal.

This will mean that you have to take big breaks in between lifts because you are lifting very heavy weights so you’re not going to get the best score of the day, in fact, you probably won’t get the WOD (workout) finished inside the time cap – but who cares? The point is you’re one step closer to your goal and you just did more reps with 90% of your 1 rep max than you thought was possible – enjoy the confidence this will give you, it’s well deserved.

Over time using this strategy will allow you to do WODs as rx’d. At that point I would recommend doing the workouts at the rx’d weight (because it was put at that weight with a specific goal/focus in mind) unless your coach tells to you to scale them differently due to a current goal/focus (or injury).

Be patient and before you know it, you’ll be warming up with your previous 1 rep max!

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