CrossFit UV: more than meets the eye


Last week marked the 5 year anniversary of the opening of my first CrossFit gym, Second City CrossFit (‘SCCF’) and ever since opening SCCF (and CrossFit Blackfriars in 2013) I’ve told members that “all you need to do is turn up 3 times a week and we’ll do the rest”.

That’s the promise I make everyone when they join and the results speak for themselves.

Our goal is for CrossFit UV to be a health & fitness centre of excellence and to to give you the best hour of your day through world class coaching and a fun environment that is second-to-none.

Phase one was creating a fantastic community which supports and encourages each other and, thanks to you, this is definitely the case at CrossFit UV.

Phase two was building the coaching team. In my opinion, top quality coaching should be a given at CrossFit gyms, however finding a top quality coach who also genuinely cares about members and wants them to achieve and surpass their goals is very, very hard to find. With Nick coming on board in February we’ve definitely got everything we wanted and more!

Nick is committed to getting even better and as I write this he’s in the middle of completing his CrossFit Weightlifting Course so get ready for his, already fantastic, classes getting even better!

We’ll continue to selectively build the coaching team over time when the right coaches come available – heck we’ll even import them if we have to!

Now it’s time for Phase Three…

The recent link up with MSK Clinic was the start and we are really excited about the performance benefits you’ll get from this as times goes by.

Look out for the announcement of their first visit to UV where they’ll be performing movement assessments in the coming days.

We have a lot more in store for you…

Goal Setting

Working out is great but working out with a goal(s) in mind will give you greater focus and help you stay committed.

You can now book goal sessions with us to help you identify your goals and advise on where you should focus your efforts to reach those goals.

The goal is to meet quarterly to assess your progress on your existing goals and to set new goals for the coming quarter.

Another advantage of knowing that you’ll be meeting quarterly is accountability; because if you know that we’ll be discussing theses goals when we meet again it helps keep you focused on reaching them.

You can book your session by clicking appointments on Zen Planner.

Personal Training

Coming to 3 classes a week will make you leaner, fitter, stronger and even more of an all round badass than you already are!

However if you want to spend some time focusing on a particular skill or area of your fitness which you’d like to develop then adding quarterly, monthly or even weekly personal training sessions will greatly accelerate the process.

As a by-the-by I actually think that in the next few years everyone will have an elements of one-on-one personal training and nutrition counselling (more on that shortly) as part of their training just like all top athletes (be they CrossFit or other).

RX’D+ and Personal Programming

When you turn up at the gym you do so in the knowledge that the programming will help you reach peak fitness.

However some of us want to go that extra mile and do more sessions in open gym which is great to see but all too often this is directionless and can often lead to people focus on the wrong things or inadvertently avoiding their weaknesses which will hinder their progress.

To help you with this we’re providing two options;

1) RX’D+ is two to three extra sessions per week designed to compliment the normal class programming and should be done alongside your daily workouts.

2) Personal Programming is for those who want to have three sessions a week designed specifically for your focus whether that be aesthetic, weightlifting, endurance, gymnastics or a mixture – we want to do everything we can to get you results.

UV Nutrition

We’re very excited about this!

However because it can make such a big difference it deserves it’s own mail and you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for that one.

It’s time it take UV to the next level and help you get the results that you DESERVE even faster.

If you’re interested in finding out more about any of these a coach or email me directly (

Fergus and the team at CrossFit UV
#CrossFitUV #UVStrong

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