Yesterday we announced loads of exciting new additions to CrossFit UV but we wanted to reserve the icing on the cake for today.
And yes you can have icing (in moderation).
Ladies and gentlemen we are delighted to introduce UV Nutrition.
Nutrition is the foundation of everything we do.
Top athletes (be they CrossFit or not) work with dieticians and personal trainers and, as I wrote yesterday, I believe that in the next few years most of us will be working with both alongside our regular CrossFit classes. The reason for this is because we all want to be the best athlete that we can be AND we all want to look awesome too.
Even if our goals are purely performance I would challenge anyone to say that they wouldn’t want to look like Michelangelo had sculpted them out of rock or that their butt was so toned that it made J-Lo jealous.
Adding the right nutrition to your training is the key to adding massive improvements in performance inside and outside of the gym as well as greatly accelerating your aesthetic goals!
Oh and there are a few other small benefits like living longer, being less likely to get disease, having more energy, being more productive at work (if that’s a benefit that is?), recovering faster after workouts, better sleep and having a more enjoyable time in the bedroom!
You’ll notice that these are all the same benefits that you get from CrossFit therefore by adding a quality nutrition plan it will massively speed up your results!
As someone who has tried, what feels like, every eating strategy out there I’m delighted that we’re working with Gigi, a Registered Dietician, who has the knowledge and training to help us avoid, often unhealthy, fad diets and make healthy, long-term behavioural changes.
Incidentally if you fancy a bit of a laugh and want to know about the difference between a dietician (it’s a protected term like doctor) and a nutritionist (it’s not protected so anyone can call themselves one) check out this video by Irish comedian Dara O’Briain and skip to 4 minutes.
Introducing Gigi Loong, RD, a member of CrossFit UV who will be heading up UV Nutrition.
Gigi is a Registered Dietitian who has obtained her Master’s of Health Science degree in Nutrition Communication as well as her Bachelor’s degree in Food and Nutrition from Ryerson University.
Gigi provides nutrition counselling and education that allows her clients to become empowered to make healthy and informed choices.
She is passionate when working with her clients to help achieve their nutritional goals as she guides them to make appropriate and tailored behaviour modifications that will lead to a healthy lifestyle.
She is looking forward to working with CrossFit UV and is excited to channel her passion in food and nutrition to the wonderful community and culture at the gym!
We’ll be officially launching UV Nutrition with a 28 Day Challenge on the 1st of June.
From the 1st of June you’ll also be able to book one-on-one nutritional consultations with Gigi through Zen Planner.
In the meantime keep an eye on the UV Nutrition Instagram page for regular nutrition tips and the UV Nutrition website where we’ll adding new recipes every week.
If you’re interested in finding out more speak to Gigi, a coach or email me directly (
Fergus and the team at CrossFit UV
#CrossFitUV #UVStrong