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Hello you awesome people!
September #UVWrapUp
September can often be a transitional time. Summer has come to a close and we have seen our students and teachers back to school (we miss you already!). Another month has passed by but what a month full of fitness and fun it was!
We welcomed our new intern coaches Meg and Rav into their new roles as they began shadowing and co-coaching classes.
With new trial weekday morning class times, extra weightlifting classes added on Saturday and a bonus Sweaty Sunday session there have been even more times for you to get your sweat sessions in.
We had one death (RIP) and two new additions to our barbell family.
The end of September marked the end of our UV Bingo game!
Thank you all so much for participating in a bit of healthy competition and fun. We hope you enjoyed yourself along the way and as always, comments and feedback welcome.
We have a new date for our prize draw!
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Upcoming in October
There is tons happening at UV over the next month in and around our fitness sessions.
This newsletter includes;
– September’s Member of the Month
– Timetable information and more policy updates…
Read the juicy goss to keep in the know, HERE!
The team at CrossFit UV
#CrossFitUV #UVStrong
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Member of the Month
Sunny ☼ (like the weather)
Anyone who has had the pleasure of meeting this gentlemen knows he is exactly that. The most kind, humble and hard working guy.
Sunny came to us in February this year. He started his fundamental sessions with Nick and transitioned into our CrossFit classes as he began to set a solid base of knowledge about movement. His main objective was to move pain free and with the correct technique as the gym environment was quite new to him. His main long term goal is to build muscle and a strong mindset!
Throughout the past 7 months Sunny has been a ray of sunshine at UV. Forever open to new things and grateful for feedback Sunny has improved his movement and has gained confidence in and outside of the gym.
Often a quiet achiever, Sunny pushes himself and other training buddies along the way. He has gained a ton of strength and his conditioning has improved immensely.
This past month Sunny has focused on practicing self-care with a staycation. We admire him for this as managing day to day stress is an important tool in living a healthy and balanced life.
In one of his first sessions with us he jumped on a box for the first time. It was a major feat and “something that he never thought he could do”. Just a few nights ago he hit more than 40 30″ box jumps in a partner WOD with Walter like it was no big deal.
Sunny told us his wife was concerned when he came home with “lumps on his legs”… we had to break it to him that they are in fact his quads and glutes as he is starting to see them pop for the first time!
In summary, be humble, be kind, invest time in taking care of yourself and be more “Sunny”
Congratulations Sunny!
Nick will be in contact to organise a complimentary personal training session.
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We know that people live busy lives, and coming to CrossFit is just one part of the day. With family obligations, work, weather (especially coming into winter), traffic and everything else, showing up on time can sometimes be difficult. We understand 100% that life happens, and the odd occasion of lateness happens to everyone!
You are part of this community, pay for this service and we never want to turn someone away. However, when late arrival starts to affect the way we run classes, the safety of you and other members and the quality of the service that we provide, it’s our responsibility to pay attention. It is a matter of respecting the time you have invested in your health and respecting ours too.
On a daily basis, our coaches are looking ahead at sign-ups to see who is in class and how many people they will have. This allows us to plan warm-ups, consider equipment and other logistics, and ask for coaching assistance if needed. Knowing who will be in class and having them all arrive for the start of class is a key component to being a successful program and means we get to spend time connecting with you. It also allows you to be fully present and prepared for your session by getting dressed, putting shoes on, bathroom breaks and getting any extra mobility and prep work in ahead of time. It doesn’t work for us to have to separately explain everything multiple times and takes away from your experience.
Do your best to be on time, we know that “stuff happens” and we always want you to come to the gym!
If you are:
1. A few minutes late? Please join the warm up as soon as possible without disruption to the flow and check in with the coach if needed.
2. Less than 10 minutes late? It is at the coach’s discretion whether you can join the class.
3. More than 10 minutes late? You are best to do the next class time or use the open gym timeslots and space where possible.
4. Booked in to a full class and late? Your spot may be forfeit to someone else who is waitlisted or present at the class start time and charged as an attended session.
We want time with us to be the best part of your day and it starts with you being present!
Any questions let us know.
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In addition to the above, we are looking at making your time with us as mindful and stress free as possible.
“In fact, research shows that compared to employees who are never contacted outside of normal working hours for work-related matters, those who are contacted, even occasionally, suffer numerous health impairments.
This constant connection can wreak havoc not only on your physical well-being, but on your mental health, as well. One of the greatest benefits of unplugging from your phone is that it helps you relax and mentally get away from your job.
There is a growing amount of research showing that using phones during our leisure time interferes with our ability to psychologically disconnect from work and recover from the stress and demands we face on a daily basis.”
They can also be a distraction from our coached classes.
Not only that, but if you have the time to be on your phone, you are likely not giving your workout the appropriate focus.
You have made the choice to invest your time and energy in yourself, your health and wellness surrounded by people who want to do the same.
We kindly ask that your phone is put on silent and ideally left in the cubbies.
We do our best to take quick snippets of your training and personal bests for #instagram for you and suggest that if you want to record yourself that’s totally fine but that keep it on silent in an out of the way place.
Loud ringtones and leaving the class to make calls can be disruptive to your workout, others in a class and coaches.
Of course we understand that sometimes work or family has to be able to reach you!
If that is the case, you are welcome to let the coach know and they can carry your phone in their pocket. That way they can you know if there is an incoming call and you are welcome to take it if you need to.
ps; We love when you take #sweatyselfies and check in on social media after class so keep doing that! We often schedule time after the session specifically for it and are always down for a team photo.
Thank you for understanding!
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August PR Board
Please remember to put up your big and little wins!
Why do we celebrate your firsts and personal bests?
“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when we look back everything is different.” – C.S Lewis
Let us celebrate with you!
A few highlights were:
Dimitry – First bar muscle up!
Tobias – First pull up
The Joooos – 185lb power clean
Clayton – First RX HSPU and legless rope climb
Leanne – from zero to 2 kipping HSPU
Ying – 185lb Deadlift
Vera – First time climbing the ropes
A lot of people – Lifted super heavy things, the most they’ve ever done in fact, multiple times in multiple different ways #alltheweightliftinggains
Raven – 80lb Snatch (both! she is working hard on her squat)
Sumo deadlift PRs everywhere
Anna – First toes to bar
Leanna – pushed her limits with assault bike gains (with friends)
Rina – First pull up!!
Meg – First legless rope climb
Kojo – 10km Row
Ally – First TTB
Bench gains galore for everrrybody
The takeaway from this is that YOU HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE. What you do, or don’t do, decides on the outcome. So let’s keep showing up, putting in that consistent effort because we are in it for the long-term.
If you read something that impressed you, make an effort to give that person a fist bump.
We want you to share in each other’s successes.
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Hot off the press!
UV welcomes our newest intern coach….
You may recognise Rav as he has been a daily UV community member since our doors opened over 2 years ago now. Literally, he is at UV every week day for most of the day in between clients as he coaches at the badminton courts at the front of the building.
Rav coaches athletes of all kinds in badminton and he has naturally taken an interest in CrossFit coaching. Having built his practice in his own training he has a keen eye for detail and seeks out knowledge, tip and tricks that he can share with others.
You will often see him asking a lot of questions and seeking feedback. His passion for finding ways to help people move better, ease pain and work hard shows why he is a valued member of the UV community and now the coaching team.
Please congratulate him, encourage him and make him feel welcome as he transitions into the new role.
UV is excited to have you Intern Coach Rav!
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Timetable Changes
Please note, we have listened to your feedback about “more classes” and have made some updates to the schedule.
These times were votes on by YOU in our Facebook Group.
Our weekday mid-morning class now starts at 9.30am and extra classes have been added!
We recently sent out an email to outline this but in case you missed the memo;
The extra classes are on a trial basis so get your friends together and please reserve a spot in your favourite class times, ahead of time, every time.
Our classes are capped at 10 so this ensures you have a spot in the class and the time slot you want sticks around after the trial period!
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UV Competes
Spikeball tournament
Winston and Rav (Winstunner) and Mateo and Nick (Team CroAsian) recently competed in a SpikeBall tournament.
Both teams played well up against some tough competition! Winston and Rav played a tough 3 sets every game and unfortunately the odds weren’t in their favour.
Team CroAsian had a few impressive wins by more than 11 points and ranked top 8 out of approximately 30 teams. They made it to the semi-finals.
Word was that the day left everyone as exhausted as a big day of Crossfit training.
The threat of rain and the icy winds didn’t deter the loyal crowd either!
Well done to the boys who competed and thank you again to the supporters who drove near and far to be there.
What an amazing crew.
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Social Corner
Halloween is just around the corner!
Who has already got their costume planned!?
This year we are going to do another joint Costume Party / Games Night!
Save the date, write yourself a post-it note, tell your friends, put it in your phone, take the night off work, write it in the sky…
FRIDAY OCTOBER 26th 7:45pm
The format is simple, we’ll have tables set up so bring any games that you want to play and we’ll supply the beers and pizza!
If you have any fold up chairs you’d like to bring that would be awesome.
Please feel free to bring puppies, babies family and friends!
PS: we have a big announcement to make so this is one not to be missed.
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September Gains Club!
You work very hard in the gym to get the results that you deserve so we want to put you up in lights and give you credit for your hard work!
Micol – 39
Mikael – 32
Kojo – 28
Richard – 20
Sabrina – 20
Hilda – 20
We’ve set the criteria at 20 sessions across classes, personal training, courses and open gym.
Ps. to ensure that all of your sessions get included make sure that you’re signing into every session using the iPad at the front of the gym.
This is not just about getting into the gains club but also to ensure fair access to the gym and cover for liability reasons.
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Handstand of the Month!
Char has been working hard on her handstands!
This photo also represents more than just an awesome gymnastics feat.
It represents seeing what could be a negative situation (like your holiday plans being completely changed last minute!) from a new perspective!
No doubt there was plenty of relaxing and dancing involved on your trip away.
Love your work, as always, Char.
Don’t forget to tag us @crossfituv on instagram and #UVHandstandoftheMonth
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We are super pumped to have witnessed the BINGO game take off as it did. You were all great sports in participating and we hope you had fun while you were getting #UVFit!
Update on the prize winners…
We have been validating cards and they are ready to be drawn for the prizes.
We have made the decision to do the official prize draw at our next UV social night on FRIDAY OCTOBER 26th!
So please come along and may the odds be ever in your favour.
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CrossFit UV Swag
Pre-orders have been placed.
You still have time to order a shirt, but BE QUICK as there are limited quantities in each size.
Hoodies are also in the HOUSE!
Perfect time for this cooler weather.
You can purchase the UV swag here!
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Outfit of the Month
Kaylie is straight up killing it with the slogan muscle tee.
She is a recent addition to the UV Community so if you have not had the pleasure of meeting her yet, make sure you introduce yourself!
So much yes Kaylie!
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