2024: A Year of Fitness at CrossFit UV

It’s January, it’s cold, and the excitement of the New Year is beginning to wear off… but it’s not all doom and gloom, because we have SUCH an exciting year ahead of us at CrossFit UV!

Let’s check out what’s in store for the coming months…

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JANUARY – Athlete Check-ins

January is the month for goal setting! If you’re an existing member and are due for a check in, reach out to a member of the team now to book in!

FEBRUARY – Open Prep

With the CrossFit Open just around the corner, February is the time to prepare! Time to practice those extra skills and keep that habit of just showing up ☑️

MARCH – The 2024 CrossFit Open

THE OPEN! And (perhaps just as importantly…) Post-Open celebrations! In try UV style, The CrossFit Open will be a key period in the UV diary. Stay tuned to find out more about what we’re doing at UV, and how you can get involved in the 2024 CrossFit Open!

APRIL – CrossFit QuarterFinals

It’s a big year for budding quarter finalists, as CrossFit have increased the QF cut off to the top 25%! This means more members that ever before will be in with a chance of qualifying for the second round of workouts, continuing the CrossFit Open and Games vibes for another month! We’re so excited to support our UV Quarter Finals Athletes…. the question is…. who’s going to make the cut?

MAY – A Marathon Month of Exercise

May is when it’s ALL going on! With the Toronto Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k and 5k… PLUS the return of Team Challenge, the popular teams of 4 CrossFit Competition! We’re excited to see the UV crew head back for another year of fitness with friends! And if that’s not enough to get you excited – May will also see the return of the annual Murph workout, so it’s time to buckle up for a big month!

JUNE – Lift Off

Who doesn’t love picking up heavy weights and putting them back down!? Keep your eyes peeled in the Spring for more information on the UV Lift Off and how you can get involved.

JULY – UV Birthday and Summer Social

Summer: time to celebrate UV’s birthday! And of course, it wouldn’t be summer without a social! Dates and details to follow.

AUGUST – CrossFit Games

A chance to tune in and see the CrossFit elites perform at the top of their game at the new Games venue! Check out the recent blog post for more details on the 2024 CrossFit Games, and changes we expect to see this year!

SEPTEMBER – Social Hike

One of the joys of fitness is being able to enjoy activities in the outdoors! Join the UV crew in September for a UV Social Hike – date and location TBC!

OCTOBER – Halloween

Have you ever seen a Whoopee Cushion workout? What about an Oreo do a burpee? Halloween at UV in 2023 was a day to remember, and has set the bar high for Halloweens to come! What’s going to be this year’s wackiest costume?! And if that doesn’t carve your pumpkin, there’s always the Toronto Waterfront Marathon, half marathon, 10k and 5k happening in October too!

NOVEMBER – Bros & Does Pairs CrossFit Competition

Bros and Does will return in 2024: the much-loved mixed pairs competition! We’re excited to see the UV athletes (returning teams and new competitors alike!) take to the competition floor for this awesome end-of-year event!

DECEMBER – CrossFit UV Christmas Social

The perfect way to wrap up another incredible year at UV, and celebrate the cracking community!

So there it is: 12 months of CrossFit community magic and mayhem at UV. From competitions to socials, check ins to celebrations, there’s always something fun going on inside the walls of UV, and truly something for everyone to get excited about!

Keen to find out more about UV, and see if CrossFit is for you? Book a free No Sweat Intro now!

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